Social Psychology Network

Maintained by Scott Plous, Wesleyan University

Andrea Camperio Ciani

Andrea Camperio Ciani

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I am interested in eco-ethology and evolutionary psychology. I have a field project in Morocco on Macaca sylvanus as biological indicator of desertification. I study sexual behavior, sexual strategies in primates and humans. I am currently working on CAD-DAD mate attraction strategies, machiavellianism and mate attraction, and the adaptive value of homosexual orientation. I am also intererested in forensic psychology as a defence consultant focussing on the profiling of actors and victims of sexual crimes from infanticide, neonaticide, infant and juvenile abuse, pedophilia, etc. I am president of Aps GEA Onlus NGO a non profit association devoted to the scientific study and conservation of ecosystems. WE do environmental monitoring, we explore and test innovative micro-pojects to achieve sustainable development and environmental conservation.t. We have two focal population- environment: the nomads of tMiddle Atlas in Morocco and the Sea Gypsy of the offshore islands of South Thailand.

Primary Interests:

  • Aggression, Conflict, Peace
  • Evolution and Genetics
  • Gender Psychology
  • Personality, Individual Differences
  • Sexuality, Sexual Orientation

Research Group or Laboratory:

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Journal Articles:

  • Camperio, C. A. (2000). When to get mad: The adaptive significance of rage in animals. Psychopathology, 2, 272-279.
  • Camperio, C. A. (1997). The strategies of immature macaques in their interactions with adult males in a colony of Macaca fuscata. Human Evolution, 12(3), 139-146.
  • Camperio, C. A., & Chiarelli, B. (1998). Deforestation and reforestation: Perspectives to reduce human caused desertification. Global Bioethics, 11(1-4), 87-98.
  • Camperio, C. A., Martinoli, M., Capiluppi, C., Arhou M., & Mouna M. (2001). Effects of water availability and habitat quality on bark-stripping behavior in Barbary macaques. Conservation Biology, 15(1), 259-265.
  • Camperio, C. A., Palentini L., & Finotto E. (2001). Survival of a small translocated Procolobus kirkii population on Pemba Island. Animal biodiversity and conservation, 24(1), 15-18.
  • Camperio, C. A., Stanyon R., Scheffrahn, W., & Sampurno, B. (1989). Evidence of gene flow between Sulawesi macaques. American Journal of Primatology, 17, 257-270.
  • Camperio Ciani A., 1984. A case of Infanticide in a free ranging group of Rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) in the Jakoo forest, Simla (India). Primates vol 25(3) :372-377
  • Camperio Ciani A., 1989 Cranial morphology and develpment: new light on the evolution of language. Human Evolution 4(1):9-32.
  • Camperio Ciani A. Capiluppi C. (2011) Gene Flow by Selective Emigration as a Possible Cause for Personality DifferencesBetween Small Islands and Mainland Populations European Journal of Personality, 25, 53–64 .
  • Camperio Ciani, A, Cermelli, P, Zanzotto, G. Sexually antagonistic selection in human male homosexuality. PLoS ONE 2008; 3(6): e2282.
  • Camperio Ciani, A, Corna, F, Capiluppi, C. Evidence for maternally inherited factors favouring male homosexuality and promoting female fecundity. Proc R Soc B 2004; 271(1554):2217-2221.
  • Camperio Ciani A., 1986. Intertroop agonistic behaviour of a feral Rhesus macaque troop ranging in town and forest areas in India. Aggressive Behaviour 12:433-439.
  • Camperio Ciani A., Stanyon R., Scheffrahn W., Sampurno B., 1989. Evidence of gene flow between Sulawesi macaques. American Journal of Primatology 17: 257-270.
  • Camperio Ciani, A, Capiluppi, C, Veronese, A, Sartori, G. The adaptive value of personality differences revealed by small island population dynamics. Eur J Personal 2007; 21:3-22.
  • Iemmola, F, Camperio Ciani, A. New evidence of genetic factors influencing sexual orientation in men: female fecundity increase in the maternal line. Arch Sex Behav 2009; 38:393-399.
  • Jannini, EA, Blanchard, R, Camperio Ciani, A, Bancroft, J. Male homosexuality: Nature of Culture. J Sex Med 2010;7:3245-3253.
  • Camperio Ciani, A, Iemmola, F, Blecher, S. Genetic factors increase fecundity in female maternal relatives of bisexual men as in homosexuals. J Sex Med 2009; 6(2):449-455.

Other Publications:

  • Camperio Ciani A. (2010) Testing the evolutionary genetics of personality: do balanced selection and gene flow cause genetically adapted personality differences in human populations. In D. M. Buss & P.H. Hawley The evolution of personality and individual differences. (pp. 425-447).New York: Oxford University press.
  • Camperio Ciani, A., & Ceccarini, F. (2002). Evoluzione e personalità: Il valore adattivo dei tratti negli abitanti delle piccole isole. In In B. S. Comparini A (Ed.), Evoluzione, Psiche e Cultura (pp. 53-64). Padova: Unipress.
  • Camperio Ciani A., Chiarelli B., 1992. A systematic relationship between brain size increase and larynx trasformation during hominization. In "Language origin: A multidisciplinary approach". J. Wind et al. eds Kluwer Academic Publisher, Amsterdam - Netherlands pp 51-65..

Courses Taught:

  • Advanced Ethology and Evolutionary Psychology
  • Animal Behavior and Evolution (Veterinary)
  • Developmental Psychobiology
  • Ethology

Andrea Camperio Ciani
Department of General Psychology
University of Padova
Via Venezia 10
35131 Padova

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